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  • Image of Best Price

✔ Fast Free 5-10 Day Shipping on orders over $99

✔ Products ship within 24-72 Business Hours

✔ Questions? Call at (408)391-3813 or message us on Live Chat below.

Authorized Dealers Every shipment that leaves our warehouses is fully covered in case of a lost item or damage and comes with full manufacturers warranty.
Expert Staff & Satisfaction Guarantee Thousands Happily Served Year After Year!
No Hassle Returns If a customer needs to return an item for ANY reason, they're able to do so within 30-days, just pay for return shipping. Restocking fees may apply. It's as simple as that.

  • Image of Best Price
{%- liquid assign checklist = "" assign view_size_chart = false assign personalisation_string = "" assign tab_below_atc = false assign reviews_below_atc = false assign no_tabs = false assign custom_tabs = false assign tabs_position_bottom_by_tag = false assign product_flash_sold_enable = false assign show_quantity_bar = false assign quantity = 0 assign qty_sold = 0 assign display_limited = false assign display_quantity = 0 assign limited_default = 0 assign show_order_estimate = true assign multibuy_prompt = false assign amazon_url = "" assign free_shipping_product = false assign display_countdown = false assign expire = 72 assign size_chart_page = settings.sizing_chart_page for tag in product.tags assign tag = tag | downcase if tag contains "checklist-" capture checklist if checklist == "" echo tag | replace: "checklist-", "" else echo checklist | append: "|||" | append: tag | replace: "checklist-", "" endif endcapture endif if tag == "view-size-chart" assign view_size_chart = true endif if tag contains "sizechart-" assign size_chart_page = tag | replace: "sizechart-", "" endif if tag contains "personalisation-" capture personalisation_string if personalisation_string == "" echo tag | replace: "personalisation-", "" else echo personalisation_string | append: "|||" | append: tag | replace: "personalisation-", "" endif endcapture endif if tag contains "personalization-" capture personalisation_string if personalisation_string == "" echo tag | replace: "personalization-", "" else echo personalisation_string | append: "|||" | append: tag | replace: "personalization-", "" endif endcapture endif if tag == "tabs-below-atc" assign tab_below_atc = true endif if tag == "reviews-below-atc" assign reviews_below_atc = true endif if tag == "no-tabs" assign no_tabs = true endif if tag == "tabs-bottom" assign tabs_position_bottom_by_tag = true endif if tag == "custom-tabs" assign custom_tabs = true endif if tag == "product-flash-sold" assign product_flash_sold_enable = true endif if tag == "show_quantity_bar" assign show_quantity_bar = true endif if tag contains "quantity-" assign quantity = tag | replace: "quantity-", "" | times: 1 endif if tag contains "quantitysold-" assign qty_sold = tag | replace: "quantitysold-", "" | times: 1 endif if tag == "display-limited" assign display_limited = true endif if tag contains "displayquantity-" assign display_quantity = tag | replace: "displayquantity-", "" | times: 1 endif if tag contains "limited-default-" assign limited_default = tag | replace: "limited-default-", "" endif if tag contains "display-shipping-countdown" assign show_order_estimate = false endif if tag contains "multi-buy-prompt" assign multibuy_prompt = true endif if tag contains "https:" or tag contains "http:" or tag contains "www." assign amazon_url = tag endif if tag == "free-shipping" assign free_shipping_product = true endif if tag == "display-countdown" assign display_countdown = true endif if tag contains "expire-" assign expire = tag | replace: "expire-", "" endif endfor -%}
{% render "product-meta-tags" with product: product %}
{% render 'breadcrumb' with product: product %}
{% render "product-images-slider" with product: product %}
{% form "product", product, id: form_id, class: "product-form" %} {%- for block in section.blocks -%} {%- case block.type -%} {%- when '@app' -%} {% render block %} {%- when 'title' -%}

{{ product.title }}

{%- when 'rating' -%} {% if section.settings.display_review_star_product %}
{% if settings.productreview == "loox" %}
{% endif %} {% if settings.productreview == "shopify_reviews" %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {%- when 'flash_sold' -%} {%- liquid if settings.product_flash_sold_enable and product_flash_sold_enable and product.available render "product-flash-sold" with product: product endif -%} {%- when 'price' -%} {% render "product-price" with product: product %} {%- when 'sku' -%} {%- liquid if settings.display_sku render "product-sku" with product: product endif -%} {%- when 'checklist' -%} {%- liquid if settings.enable_checklist and checklist != "" render "product-checklist" with checklist: checklist endif -%} {%- when 'variant_picker' -%}
{%- liquid if settings.variant_swatch render "product-variant-swatch" with product: product, unique_letter: "c", view_size_chart: view_size_chart else render "product-variant-selects" with product: product endif -%}
{%- liquid render "product-variants-select" with product: product if settings.product_personalisation render "product-personalisation-properties" with product: product, personalisation_string: personalisation_string endif -%} {%- when 'quantity_atc_selector' -%} {% if product.available %}
{% render "product-quantity" with multibuy_prompt: multibuy_prompt %}
{% assign hide_atc_on_mobile = settings.disableatc %}
{%- liquid if multibuy_prompt and settings.multibuy_enable render "product-multibuy-counter" with product: product endif if settings.amazonbutton and amazon_url != "" render "product-amazon-button" with product: product, amazon_url: amazon_url else render "product-add-to-cart" with product: product, free_shipping_product: free_shipping_product endif -%}
{% if settings.enable_wishlist %}
{% render "product-wishlist-button" with product: product %}
{% endif %}
{% if settings.enable_checkout_icon %}
{% if settings.enable_custom_checkout_icon and settings.checkout_icon != blank %} Checkout Secure {% else %} Checkout Secure {% endif %}
{% endif %}
  • Image of Best Price
{%- liquid if section.settings.enable_product_review if section.settings.review_location == "show_reviews_separate_below_buttons" if settings.product_review_type == "loox" render 'product-reviews-loox' with product: product endif if settings.product_review_type == "shopify_reviews" render 'product-reviews-shopify' with product: product endif elsif reviews_below_atc if settings.product_review_type == "loox" render 'product-reviews-loox' with product: product endif if settings.product_review_type == "shopify_reviews" render 'product-reviews-shopify' with product: product endif endif endif if section.settings.description_location == 'description_below_buttons' render "product-description" with product: product endif unless no_tabs if tab_below_atc and section.settings.tabs_location == "tabs_below_buttons" and tabs_position_bottom_by_tag == false render "product-tabs-new" with product: product, custom_tabs: custom_tabs, section: section, reviews_below_atc: reviews_below_atc elsif section.settings.tabs_location == "tabs_below_buttons" and tabs_position_bottom_by_tag == false render "product-tabs-new" with product: product, custom_tabs: custom_tabs, section: section, reviews_below_atc: reviews_below_atc endif endunless -%}
{% endif %} {%- when 'scarcity_bar' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.enable_product_progressbar and product.available if settings.use_tags_to_display_quantity != true or show_quantity_bar render "product-quantity-progress" with product: product, limited_default: limited_default, display_quantity: display_quantity, display_limited: display_limited, qty_sold: qty_sold, quantity: quantity endif endif endif -%} {%- when 'delivery_estimate' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if show_order_estimate if section.settings.enable_delivery_option render "product-delivery-estimate" with product: product endif endif endif -%} {%- when 'information_alert' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.informations_alert_enable render "product-information-alert" with product: product endif endif -%} {%- when 'visitors_counter' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.visitors_counter_enable render "product-visitors-counter" with product: product endif endif -%} {%- when 'orders_counter' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.orders_counter_enable render 'product-orders-counter' with product: product endif endif -%} {%- when 'countdown_timer' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.enable_countdown_timer if display_countdown if settings.timer_model == "timer_model_1" render "product-countdown-timer-1" with product: product, expire: expire endif if settings.timer_model == "timer_model_2" render "product-countdown-timer-2" with product: product, expire: expire endif if settings.timer_model == "timer_model_3" render "product-countdown-timer-3" with product: product, expire: expire endif endif endif endif -%} {%- when 'motivator_text' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.product_show_motivator_text render "product-motivator-text" with product: product endif endif -%} {%- when 'motivator_additional_text' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.product_we_ship_fast_hide render "product-motivator-additional-text" with product: product endif endif -%} {%- endcase -%} {%- endfor -%} {% endform %} {%- liquid render "variant-notify-me-new" with product: product assign form_id = "AddToCartForm--" | append: render "product-notify-me" with product: product -%}
Handling Time:

All products ship within 24-72 Business Hours.

Stock inquiries:

Call or Live Chat us and get information on stock ASAP!

Shipping Time:

Please allow 5-10 Business Days for Delivery. Freight Orders Include FREE Delivery Appointment.

☑ Fully Insured Shipments Every shipment that leaves our warehouses is fully covered in case of a lost item or damage.
☑ Expert Staff & Satisfaction Guarantee Thousands Happily Served Year After Year!
☑ 30 Day Money Back Guarantee & SSL Secure Payment Gateway Make Shopping Easy and Stress-Free.
☑ No Hassle Returns If a customer needs to return an item for ANY reason, they're able to do so within 30-days, just pay for return shipping. Restocking fees may apply. It's as simple as that.

{%- liquid render "product-reasons" with product: product, position: 'right' unless no_tabs if tab_below_atc and section.settings.tabs_location == "tabs_on_right_side" and tabs_position_bottom_by_tag == false render "product-tabs-new" with product: product, custom_tabs: custom_tabs, section: section, reviews_below_atc: reviews_below_atc elsif section.settings.tabs_location == "tabs_on_right_side" and tabs_position_bottom_by_tag == false render "product-tabs-new" with product: product, custom_tabs: custom_tabs, section: section, reviews_below_atc: reviews_below_atc endif endunless -%}
  • Image of Best Price
{% unless no_tabs %} {% if section.settings.tabs_location == "tabs_below_images" or tabs_position_bottom_by_tag == true %} {% if tab_below_atc %}
{% render "product-tabs-new" with product: product, custom_tabs: custom_tabs, section: section, reviews_below_atc: reviews_below_atc %}
{% else %}
{% render "product-tabs-new" with product: product, custom_tabs: custom_tabs, section: section, reviews_below_atc: reviews_below_atc %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endunless %}
{% unless product == empty %} {% endunless %}
{% comment %}theme-check-disable NestedSnippet{% endcomment %} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.stickycartenable render "product-sticky-cart" with product: product, show_reviews: section.settings.display_review_star_product endif unless settings.sticky_atc_mobile == "option_1" render "product-sticky-cart-mobile" with product: product endunless endif -%} {% comment %}theme-check-enable NestedSnippet{% endcomment %} {% if settings.display_sizing_chart %} {% if view_size_chart %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if settings.product_thumbnails == 'Right' or settings.product_thumbnails == 'Left' %} {% endif %} {% render 'cross-sell-popup' %} {% schema %} { "name": "Product information", "settings": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": "This section is for Description Tabs Settings." }, { "type": "header", "content": "General" }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_product_tabs", "label": "Enable tabs", "default": true }, { "type": "select", "id": "tabs_location", "label": "Tabs location", "options": [ { "value": "tabs_below_buttons", "label": "Show tabs below ATC button" }, { "value": "tabs_below_images", "label": "Show tabs below images" }, { "value": "tabs_on_right_side", "label": "Show tabs on right hand side" } ], "default": "tabs_below_images" }, { "type": "select", "id": "default_tab", "label": "Select default tab", "options": [ { "value": "0", "label": "Description tab" }, { "value": "1", "label": "Tab 1" }, { "value": "2", "label": "Tab 2" }, { "value": "3", "label": "Tab 3" }, { "value": "4", "label": "Tab 4" }, { "value": "5", "label": "Tab 5" } ] }, { "type": "header", "content": "Description tab settings" }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_description_tab", "label": "Enable", "default": true }, { "type": "text", "id": "description_tab_heading", "label": "Tab heading", "default": "Description" }, { "type": "select", "id": "description_location", "label": "Location", "options": [ { "value": "description_below_buttons", "label": "Show description below ATC button" }, { "value": "in_tabs", "label": "Show description in tabs" } ], "default": "in_tabs" }, { "type": "header", "content": "Shipping tab settings" }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_shipping_tab", "label": "Enable", "default": true }, { "type": "text", "id": "shipping_tab_header", "label": "Tab heading", "default": "Shipping" }, { "type": "text", "id": "shipping_tab_shipping_label", "label": "Shipping label", "default": "Shipping" }, { "type": "text", "id": "shipping_tab_shipping_text", "label": "Shipping text", "default": "This item ships to {country}", "info": "'{country}' will be replaced by target country name." }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_country_flag", "label": "Show country flag", "default": true }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_delivery_option", "label": "Show product delivery", "default": true }, { "type": "text", "id": "shipping_tab_delivery_label", "label": "Delivery label", "default": "Delivery" }, { "type": "text", "id": "shipping_tab_delivery_estimate_text", "label": "Delivery estimate text", "default": "Estimated between {start_date} and {end_date}.", "info": "'{start_date}' and '{end_date}' will be replaced by actual dates." }, { "type": "text", "id": "shipping_tab_delivery_information_text", "label": "Delivery information text", "default": "Will usually ship within 1 business day." }, { "type": "text", "id": "delivery_start", "label": "Delivery start date", "info": "Minimum days for delivery from current date", "default": "10" }, { "type": "text", "id": "delivery_end", "label": "Delivery end date", "info": "Maximum days for delivery from current date", "default": "15" }, { "type": "text", "id": "delivery_cut_off", "label": "Delivery cut off", "info": "Number only (24 hours format - 16:00:00 means 4PM) relative to timezone of seller", "default": "16:00:00" }, { "type": "text", "id": "delivery_off_days", "label": "Delivery exclude days", "default": "SAT SUN", "info": "Use the 'MON','TUE','WED','THU','FRI','SAT' and 'SUN'. Separate exclude days with a space." }, { "type": "textarea", "id": "shipping_tab_text", "label": "Tab text" }, { "type": "header", "content": "Reviews tab settings" }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_product_review", "label": "Enable", "info": "Only displays when custom tabs are not enabled & will only work if Shopify or Loox are installed.", "default": true }, { "type": "select", "id": "review_location", "label": "Show reviews", "options": [ { "value": "show_reviews_separate_below_buttons", "label": "Show reviews below ATC button" }, { "value": "show_reviews_separate", "label": "Show reviews as separate section below tabs" }, { "value": "in_tabs", "label": "Show reviews in tabs" } ], "default": "in_tabs" }, { "type": "text", "id": "product_review_tab_heading", "label": "Review tab heading", "default": "REVIEW" }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "display_review_star_product", "label": "Enable review stars", "default": true } ], "blocks": [ { "type": "@app" }, { "type": "custom_tabs", "name": "Custom Tab", "settings": [ { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_tab", "label": "Enable" }, { "type": "text", "id": "heading", "label": "Heading", "default": "Heading" }, { "type": "textarea", "id": "text", "label": "Text" } ] }, { "type": "title", "name": "Title", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "price", "name": "Price", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "sku", "name": "SKU", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "checklist", "name": "Checklist", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "quantity_atc_selector", "name": "Quantity and Buy buttons", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "variant_picker", "name": "Variant picker", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "flash_sold", "name": "Flash sold", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "rating", "name": "Review Star", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "scarcity_bar", "name": "Scarcity Bar", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "delivery_estimate", "name": "Delivery Estimate", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "information_alert", "name": "Information Alert", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "visitors_counter", "name": "Visitors Counter", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "orders_counter", "name": "Orders Counter", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "countdown_timer", "name": "Countdown Timer", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "motivator_text", "name": "Promotion Bar", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "motivator_additional_text", "name": "Text Under Call-To-Action", "limit": 1 } ] } {% endschema %}
Shipping This item ships to
Delivery Estimated between and . Will usually ship within 1 business day.


As soon as your order is placed, you will receive an order confirmation e-mail. (If you do not, please contact us and a representative can send over the digital receipt of your purchase). This confirms your order has been received in our system and your credit card is authorized for purchase.  As soon as we receive your order, we begin processing to confirm that it is in stock and available for immediate shipment.  If your item is on backorder or unavailable, we will reach out to you via e-mail to confirm if you'd like to keep your order or cancel for a full refund.  If your item(s) are available for immediate shipment, we will process the charges and submit the order for shipment.


Please reference your product page specific lead times. After shipment, items will arrive in 2-7 business days.

Certain items due to high demand and low supply can only be placed on back order at specific times. Please contact customer service to hear about any items availability.

Please contact us for rush shipping rates and options. We will send you tracking information within 24 hours of your order leaving the warehouse to the e-mail address you provided when checking out.  If you do not receive tracking information from us within four business days of your order, feel free to follow up with us at

Large items that ship via freight (not UPS or Fedex) require a signature upon delivery. You will receive a call from the shipping company to arrange a time and day for delivery that works for you.


Please inspect the packaging of your item(s) when they arrive, if you notice any damage you should REFUSE the package, and make note of it on the delivery receipt.  If your item(s) do arrived damaged, please contact us immediately and send photos to . We will process an insurance claim on your behalf and happily work with you to resolve the issue and refund or replace your order.


Generally, most of the items we carry can be returned within 30 days of receipt in new condition and unopened.

Returned products must be sent back with their original packaging and have all of the parts and components that they came with. Please contact the manufacturer for any warranty issues.

If there is a damage in the product, the customer is not responsible for the shipping costs and restocking fees that apply for the return.

Customer remorse: If there is no damage to the product, the customer will be responsible of paying for shipping and restocking fees. The customer will be given a refund of the remaining balance. 

Please document (photograph) any damages upon receiving the item and report these damages to the delivery carrier if product was sent by LTL or freight (not by UPS, Fedex, USPS, etc).

Some items may be subject to a 15% restocking fee. Customer is responsible for return shipping and original shipping cost, even if the item was "free shipping". Any damages to products may void the return.

Returns must be accompanied with an RMA number. Please contact us in order to have one generated.

Should you have any questions about a particular product’s return policy we’re here to help. Please contact us and we will respond within 24 hours.

As stated in the Product Quality Guarantee, any item that arrives in less than perfect condition or missing parts will be handled at no extra cost. Refunds will be issued to the original credit card that you use when placing your order.

It is the customers' responsibility to confirm the product will comply with their state, county or city codes. If you will be receiving an inspection by a county or city inspector, please ask them what they require.


{%- liquid assign checklist = "" assign view_size_chart = false assign personalisation_string = "" assign tab_below_atc = false assign reviews_below_atc = false assign no_tabs = false assign custom_tabs = false assign tabs_position_bottom_by_tag = false assign product_flash_sold_enable = false assign show_quantity_bar = false assign quantity = 0 assign qty_sold = 0 assign display_limited = false assign display_quantity = 0 assign limited_default = 0 assign show_order_estimate = true assign multibuy_prompt = false assign amazon_url = "" assign free_shipping_product = false assign display_countdown = false assign expire = 72 assign size_chart_page = settings.sizing_chart_page for tag in product.tags assign tag = tag | downcase if tag contains "checklist-" capture checklist if checklist == "" echo tag | replace: "checklist-", "" else echo checklist | append: "|||" | append: tag | replace: "checklist-", "" endif endcapture endif if tag == "view-size-chart" assign view_size_chart = true endif if tag contains "sizechart-" assign size_chart_page = tag | replace: "sizechart-", "" endif if tag contains "personalisation-" capture personalisation_string if personalisation_string == "" echo tag | replace: "personalisation-", "" else echo personalisation_string | append: "|||" | append: tag | replace: "personalisation-", "" endif endcapture endif if tag contains "personalization-" capture personalisation_string if personalisation_string == "" echo tag | replace: "personalization-", "" else echo personalisation_string | append: "|||" | append: tag | replace: "personalization-", "" endif endcapture endif if tag == "tabs-below-atc" assign tab_below_atc = true endif if tag == "reviews-below-atc" assign reviews_below_atc = true endif if tag == "no-tabs" assign no_tabs = true endif if tag == "tabs-bottom" assign tabs_position_bottom_by_tag = true endif if tag == "custom-tabs" assign custom_tabs = true endif if tag == "product-flash-sold" assign product_flash_sold_enable = true endif if tag == "show_quantity_bar" assign show_quantity_bar = true endif if tag contains "quantity-" assign quantity = tag | replace: "quantity-", "" | times: 1 endif if tag contains "quantitysold-" assign qty_sold = tag | replace: "quantitysold-", "" | times: 1 endif if tag == "display-limited" assign display_limited = true endif if tag contains "displayquantity-" assign display_quantity = tag | replace: "displayquantity-", "" | times: 1 endif if tag contains "limited-default-" assign limited_default = tag | replace: "limited-default-", "" endif if tag contains "display-shipping-countdown" assign show_order_estimate = false endif if tag contains "multi-buy-prompt" assign multibuy_prompt = true endif if tag contains "https:" or tag contains "http:" or tag contains "www." assign amazon_url = tag endif if tag == "free-shipping" assign free_shipping_product = true endif if tag == "display-countdown" assign display_countdown = true endif if tag contains "expire-" assign expire = tag | replace: "expire-", "" endif endfor -%}
{% render "product-meta-tags" with product: product %}
{% render 'breadcrumb' with product: product %}
{% render "product-images-slider" with product: product %}
{% form "product", product, id: form_id, class: "product-form" %} {%- for block in section.blocks -%} {%- case block.type -%} {%- when '@app' -%} {% render block %} {%- when 'title' -%}

{{ product.title }}

{%- when 'rating' -%} {% if section.settings.display_review_star_product %}
{% if settings.productreview == "loox" %}
{% endif %} {% if settings.productreview == "shopify_reviews" %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {%- when 'flash_sold' -%} {%- liquid if settings.product_flash_sold_enable and product_flash_sold_enable and product.available render "product-flash-sold" with product: product endif -%} {%- when 'price' -%} {% render "product-price" with product: product %} {%- when 'sku' -%} {%- liquid if settings.display_sku render "product-sku" with product: product endif -%} {%- when 'checklist' -%} {%- liquid if settings.enable_checklist and checklist != "" render "product-checklist" with checklist: checklist endif -%} {%- when 'variant_picker' -%}
{%- liquid if settings.variant_swatch render "product-variant-swatch" with product: product, unique_letter: "c", view_size_chart: view_size_chart else render "product-variant-selects" with product: product endif -%}
{%- liquid render "product-variants-select" with product: product if settings.product_personalisation render "product-personalisation-properties" with product: product, personalisation_string: personalisation_string endif -%} {%- when 'quantity_atc_selector' -%} {% if product.available %}
{% render "product-quantity" with multibuy_prompt: multibuy_prompt %}
{% assign hide_atc_on_mobile = settings.disableatc %}
{%- liquid if multibuy_prompt and settings.multibuy_enable render "product-multibuy-counter" with product: product endif if settings.amazonbutton and amazon_url != "" render "product-amazon-button" with product: product, amazon_url: amazon_url else render "product-add-to-cart" with product: product, free_shipping_product: free_shipping_product endif -%}
{% if settings.enable_wishlist %}
{% render "product-wishlist-button" with product: product %}
{% endif %}
{% if settings.enable_checkout_icon %}
{% if settings.enable_custom_checkout_icon and settings.checkout_icon != blank %} Checkout Secure {% else %} Checkout Secure {% endif %}
{% endif %}
  • Image of Best Price
{%- liquid if section.settings.enable_product_review if section.settings.review_location == "show_reviews_separate_below_buttons" if settings.product_review_type == "loox" render 'product-reviews-loox' with product: product endif if settings.product_review_type == "shopify_reviews" render 'product-reviews-shopify' with product: product endif elsif reviews_below_atc if settings.product_review_type == "loox" render 'product-reviews-loox' with product: product endif if settings.product_review_type == "shopify_reviews" render 'product-reviews-shopify' with product: product endif endif endif if section.settings.description_location == 'description_below_buttons' render "product-description" with product: product endif unless no_tabs if tab_below_atc and section.settings.tabs_location == "tabs_below_buttons" and tabs_position_bottom_by_tag == false render "product-tabs-new" with product: product, custom_tabs: custom_tabs, section: section, reviews_below_atc: reviews_below_atc elsif section.settings.tabs_location == "tabs_below_buttons" and tabs_position_bottom_by_tag == false render "product-tabs-new" with product: product, custom_tabs: custom_tabs, section: section, reviews_below_atc: reviews_below_atc endif endunless -%}
{% endif %} {%- when 'scarcity_bar' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.enable_product_progressbar and product.available if settings.use_tags_to_display_quantity != true or show_quantity_bar render "product-quantity-progress" with product: product, limited_default: limited_default, display_quantity: display_quantity, display_limited: display_limited, qty_sold: qty_sold, quantity: quantity endif endif endif -%} {%- when 'delivery_estimate' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if show_order_estimate if section.settings.enable_delivery_option render "product-delivery-estimate" with product: product endif endif endif -%} {%- when 'information_alert' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.informations_alert_enable render "product-information-alert" with product: product endif endif -%} {%- when 'visitors_counter' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.visitors_counter_enable render "product-visitors-counter" with product: product endif endif -%} {%- when 'orders_counter' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.orders_counter_enable render 'product-orders-counter' with product: product endif endif -%} {%- when 'countdown_timer' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.enable_countdown_timer if display_countdown if settings.timer_model == "timer_model_1" render "product-countdown-timer-1" with product: product, expire: expire endif if settings.timer_model == "timer_model_2" render "product-countdown-timer-2" with product: product, expire: expire endif if settings.timer_model == "timer_model_3" render "product-countdown-timer-3" with product: product, expire: expire endif endif endif endif -%} {%- when 'motivator_text' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.product_show_motivator_text render "product-motivator-text" with product: product endif endif -%} {%- when 'motivator_additional_text' -%} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.product_we_ship_fast_hide render "product-motivator-additional-text" with product: product endif endif -%} {%- endcase -%} {%- endfor -%} {% endform %} {%- liquid render "variant-notify-me-new" with product: product assign form_id = "AddToCartForm--" | append: render "product-notify-me" with product: product -%}
Handling Time:

All products ship within 24-72 Business Hours.

Stock inquiries:

Call or Live Chat us and get information on stock ASAP!

Shipping Time:

Please allow 5-10 Business Days for Delivery. Freight Orders Include FREE Delivery Appointment.

☑ Fully Insured Shipments Every shipment that leaves our warehouses is fully covered in case of a lost item or damage.
☑ Expert Staff & Satisfaction Guarantee Thousands Happily Served Year After Year!
☑ 30 Day Money Back Guarantee & SSL Secure Payment Gateway Make Shopping Easy and Stress-Free.
☑ No Hassle Returns If a customer needs to return an item for ANY reason, they're able to do so within 30-days, just pay for return shipping. Restocking fees may apply. It's as simple as that.

{%- liquid render "product-reasons" with product: product, position: 'right' unless no_tabs if tab_below_atc and section.settings.tabs_location == "tabs_on_right_side" and tabs_position_bottom_by_tag == false render "product-tabs-new" with product: product, custom_tabs: custom_tabs, section: section, reviews_below_atc: reviews_below_atc elsif section.settings.tabs_location == "tabs_on_right_side" and tabs_position_bottom_by_tag == false render "product-tabs-new" with product: product, custom_tabs: custom_tabs, section: section, reviews_below_atc: reviews_below_atc endif endunless -%}
  • Image of Best Price
{% unless no_tabs %} {% if section.settings.tabs_location == "tabs_below_images" or tabs_position_bottom_by_tag == true %} {% if tab_below_atc %}
{% render "product-tabs-new" with product: product, custom_tabs: custom_tabs, section: section, reviews_below_atc: reviews_below_atc %}
{% else %}
{% render "product-tabs-new" with product: product, custom_tabs: custom_tabs, section: section, reviews_below_atc: reviews_below_atc %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endunless %}
{% unless product == empty %} {% endunless %}
{% comment %}theme-check-disable NestedSnippet{% endcomment %} {%- liquid if product.available if settings.stickycartenable render "product-sticky-cart" with product: product, show_reviews: section.settings.display_review_star_product endif unless settings.sticky_atc_mobile == "option_1" render "product-sticky-cart-mobile" with product: product endunless endif -%} {% comment %}theme-check-enable NestedSnippet{% endcomment %} {% if settings.display_sizing_chart %} {% if view_size_chart %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if settings.product_thumbnails == 'Right' or settings.product_thumbnails == 'Left' %} {% endif %} {% render 'cross-sell-popup' %} {% schema %} { "name": "Product information", "settings": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": "This section is for Description Tabs Settings." }, { "type": "header", "content": "General" }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_product_tabs", "label": "Enable tabs", "default": true }, { "type": "select", "id": "tabs_location", "label": "Tabs location", "options": [ { "value": "tabs_below_buttons", "label": "Show tabs below ATC button" }, { "value": "tabs_below_images", "label": "Show tabs below images" }, { "value": "tabs_on_right_side", "label": "Show tabs on right hand side" } ], "default": "tabs_below_images" }, { "type": "select", "id": "default_tab", "label": "Select default tab", "options": [ { "value": "0", "label": "Description tab" }, { "value": "1", "label": "Tab 1" }, { "value": "2", "label": "Tab 2" }, { "value": "3", "label": "Tab 3" }, { "value": "4", "label": "Tab 4" }, { "value": "5", "label": "Tab 5" } ] }, { "type": "header", "content": "Description tab settings" }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_description_tab", "label": "Enable", "default": true }, { "type": "text", "id": "description_tab_heading", "label": "Tab heading", "default": "Description" }, { "type": "select", "id": "description_location", "label": "Location", "options": [ { "value": "description_below_buttons", "label": "Show description below ATC button" }, { "value": "in_tabs", "label": "Show description in tabs" } ], "default": "in_tabs" }, { "type": "header", "content": "Shipping tab settings" }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_shipping_tab", "label": "Enable", "default": true }, { "type": "text", "id": "shipping_tab_header", "label": "Tab heading", "default": "Shipping" }, { "type": "text", "id": "shipping_tab_shipping_label", "label": "Shipping label", "default": "Shipping" }, { "type": "text", "id": "shipping_tab_shipping_text", "label": "Shipping text", "default": "This item ships to {country}", "info": "'{country}' will be replaced by target country name." }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_country_flag", "label": "Show country flag", "default": true }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_delivery_option", "label": "Show product delivery", "default": true }, { "type": "text", "id": "shipping_tab_delivery_label", "label": "Delivery label", "default": "Delivery" }, { "type": "text", "id": "shipping_tab_delivery_estimate_text", "label": "Delivery estimate text", "default": "Estimated between {start_date} and {end_date}.", "info": "'{start_date}' and '{end_date}' will be replaced by actual dates." }, { "type": "text", "id": "shipping_tab_delivery_information_text", "label": "Delivery information text", "default": "Will usually ship within 1 business day." }, { "type": "text", "id": "delivery_start", "label": "Delivery start date", "info": "Minimum days for delivery from current date", "default": "10" }, { "type": "text", "id": "delivery_end", "label": "Delivery end date", "info": "Maximum days for delivery from current date", "default": "15" }, { "type": "text", "id": "delivery_cut_off", "label": "Delivery cut off", "info": "Number only (24 hours format - 16:00:00 means 4PM) relative to timezone of seller", "default": "16:00:00" }, { "type": "text", "id": "delivery_off_days", "label": "Delivery exclude days", "default": "SAT SUN", "info": "Use the 'MON','TUE','WED','THU','FRI','SAT' and 'SUN'. Separate exclude days with a space." }, { "type": "textarea", "id": "shipping_tab_text", "label": "Tab text" }, { "type": "header", "content": "Reviews tab settings" }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_product_review", "label": "Enable", "info": "Only displays when custom tabs are not enabled & will only work if Shopify or Loox are installed.", "default": true }, { "type": "select", "id": "review_location", "label": "Show reviews", "options": [ { "value": "show_reviews_separate_below_buttons", "label": "Show reviews below ATC button" }, { "value": "show_reviews_separate", "label": "Show reviews as separate section below tabs" }, { "value": "in_tabs", "label": "Show reviews in tabs" } ], "default": "in_tabs" }, { "type": "text", "id": "product_review_tab_heading", "label": "Review tab heading", "default": "REVIEW" }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "display_review_star_product", "label": "Enable review stars", "default": true } ], "blocks": [ { "type": "@app" }, { "type": "custom_tabs", "name": "Custom Tab", "settings": [ { "type": "checkbox", "id": "enable_tab", "label": "Enable" }, { "type": "text", "id": "heading", "label": "Heading", "default": "Heading" }, { "type": "textarea", "id": "text", "label": "Text" } ] }, { "type": "title", "name": "Title", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "price", "name": "Price", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "sku", "name": "SKU", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "checklist", "name": "Checklist", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "quantity_atc_selector", "name": "Quantity and Buy buttons", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "variant_picker", "name": "Variant picker", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "flash_sold", "name": "Flash sold", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "rating", "name": "Review Star", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "scarcity_bar", "name": "Scarcity Bar", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "delivery_estimate", "name": "Delivery Estimate", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "information_alert", "name": "Information Alert", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "visitors_counter", "name": "Visitors Counter", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "orders_counter", "name": "Orders Counter", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "countdown_timer", "name": "Countdown Timer", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "motivator_text", "name": "Promotion Bar", "limit": 1 }, { "type": "motivator_additional_text", "name": "Text Under Call-To-Action", "limit": 1 } ] } {% endschema %}


Shipping This item ships to
Delivery Estimated between and . Will usually ship within 1 business day.


As soon as your order is placed, you will receive an order confirmation e-mail. (If you do not, please contact us and a representative can send over the digital receipt of your purchase). This confirms your order has been received in our system and your credit card is authorized for purchase.  As soon as we receive your order, we begin processing to confirm that it is in stock and available for immediate shipment.  If your item is on backorder or unavailable, we will reach out to you via e-mail to confirm if you'd like to keep your order or cancel for a full refund.  If your item(s) are available for immediate shipment, we will process the charges and submit the order for shipment.


Please reference your product page specific lead times. After shipment, items will arrive in 2-7 business days.

Certain items due to high demand and low supply can only be placed on back order at specific times. Please contact customer service to hear about any items availability.

Please contact us for rush shipping rates and options. We will send you tracking information within 24 hours of your order leaving the warehouse to the e-mail address you provided when checking out.  If you do not receive tracking information from us within four business days of your order, feel free to follow up with us at

Large items that ship via freight (not UPS or Fedex) require a signature upon delivery. You will receive a call from the shipping company to arrange a time and day for delivery that works for you.


Please inspect the packaging of your item(s) when they arrive, if you notice any damage you should REFUSE the package, and make note of it on the delivery receipt.  If your item(s) do arrived damaged, please contact us immediately and send photos to . We will process an insurance claim on your behalf and happily work with you to resolve the issue and refund or replace your order.


Generally, most of the items we carry can be returned within 30 days of receipt in new condition and unopened.

Returned products must be sent back with their original packaging and have all of the parts and components that they came with. Please contact the manufacturer for any warranty issues.

If there is a damage in the product, the customer is not responsible for the shipping costs and restocking fees that apply for the return.

Customer remorse: If there is no damage to the product, the customer will be responsible of paying for shipping and restocking fees. The customer will be given a refund of the remaining balance. 

Please document (photograph) any damages upon receiving the item and report these damages to the delivery carrier if product was sent by LTL or freight (not by UPS, Fedex, USPS, etc).

Some items may be subject to a 15% restocking fee. Customer is responsible for return shipping and original shipping cost, even if the item was "free shipping". Any damages to products may void the return.

Returns must be accompanied with an RMA number. Please contact us in order to have one generated.

Should you have any questions about a particular product’s return policy we’re here to help. Please contact us and we will respond within 24 hours.

As stated in the Product Quality Guarantee, any item that arrives in less than perfect condition or missing parts will be handled at no extra cost. Refunds will be issued to the original credit card that you use when placing your order.

It is the customers' responsibility to confirm the product will comply with their state, county or city codes. If you will be receiving an inspection by a county or city inspector, please ask them what they require.






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